Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015

Faig Ahmed, Baku (Aserbaidschan)

* 1982

Der in Baku geborene Künstler Faig Ahmed studierte an der Azerbaijan State Academy of Fine Art in Baku von 1999 bis 2004 im Fach Bildhauerei. Seit 2003 beschäftigt er sich in seinen Arbeiten vor allem mit den traditionellen Aserbaidschanischen Teppichen. Mit Vorliebe zerlegt er deren konventionelle Strukturen, ordnet diese nach Zufallsprinzip wieder neu und kombiniert sie mit zeitgenössischen Formen. Er selbst sagt über seine Arbeit:
"I explore ancient traditions, cults and cultures, I make my own research and as I communicate with it, I create art. My carpets, installations and embroideries are the result of this interplay. It is fascinating to observe the process of such an easy transformation of such ancient and stable objects.

'Stickiness', handmade woolen carpet, 120x250 cm, 2013

I am in love with textile. Because fabrics are objects that humanity is using from the beginning of times, till nowadays. Another thing that interests me is pattern. Patterns and ornaments can be found in all cultures, sometimes similar, sometimes very different. I consider them words and phrases that can be read and translated to a language we understand.

'Oiling', handmade woolen carpet, 100x150 cm, 2012

'Ledge', handmade woolen carpet, 100x150 cm, 2011

My art is an experiment. I want to examine the subject matter to see how deep can we go inside something accomplished and holistic and to observe the influence this kind of a change can have on people.

'Gara', handmade woolen carpet, 150x200 cm, 2014

What influences and inspires me the most are all kinds of travel. By saying travel I mean either physical travelling to other countries where I can find and explore traditions and cults spread on this certain territory; or travelling in my subconsciousness, different practices and meditations. And there is something I believe: If you want to change the world, start with yourself."


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